black stainless steel personalized pocket knife wood accent

Your Ultimate Pocket Knife Buying Guide: What to Look For When Buying Pocket Knives

Are you looking for a pocket knife, but you’re not sure where to start? With many different brands and styles on the market, it can be difficult to narrow down your options. Our pocket knife buying guide breaks down what you should look for when buying pocket knives to ensure you invest in the right one. Discover how to choose a pocket knife below.

The Ideal Size

You’ll probably end up taking your pocket knife just about everywhere, so you’ll need it to fit inside your pocket comfortably. For this reason, we’re kicking off our pocket knife buying guide by pointing out that it should be the right size. Consider both the length of a pocket knife and its weight prior to purchasing it. Think about how it feels when you have it open and in your hand, too.

You’ll notice a real difference between this Kershaw Scallion 1620OL Personalized Pocket Knife, which is 3.5 inches long when closed and weighs 2.5 ounces, versus this MT423 Personalized Pocket Knife, which is 4.5 inches long when closed and weighs 5 ounces.

High-Quality Materials

smith and wesson extreme ops engraved pocket knife

The materials used to make a pocket knife could make or break it. If you don’t know how to choose a pocket knife properly and go with one that consists of low-quality materials, it could break before you know it. Instead, select a pocket knife like this TF606W/WS Personalized Pocket Knife made out of materials like stainless steel, aluminum, and wood. You won’t have to worry about its durability as it’s designed to last a long time.

The Right Type of Blade

Do you plan to use your new pocket knife to open mail and carry out other household tasks? Or will it be used when you’re hunting, fishing, and taking part in other outdoor activities? Either way, search for one with the right type of blade. Some of the most common kinds of blades for pocket knives are:

  • Clip-point blades
  • Drop-point blades
  • Serrated blades
  • Needlepoint blades
  • Sheepsfoot blades
  • Spey blades

This might just be the most important factor in our pocket knife buying guide. If you buy a pocket knife with the wrong type of blade, it may limit how often you use it.

It’s also worth mentioning that some pocket knives come with more than one type of blade. This Stockman Pocket Knife with Personalized Handle, for example, has a 2.5-inch drop-point blade, a 2-inch sheepsfoot blade, and a 1.5-inch spey blade. A multipurpose pocket knife like this one could be the perfect choice for those planning to utilize a pocket knife in several different ways.

Customizable Options

engraved black stainless steel pocket knife

With so many people carrying pocket knives nowadays, it would be wise to set yours apart from the pack whenever possible. An easy way to do this is by customizing it. Each pocket knife available through Palmetto Wood Shop can be engraved to make it unique, whether it is for you personally or a special gift for a friend or family member. At Palmetto Wood Shop, we can personalize a pocket knife like this Bear & Son 247R Personalized Pocket Knife for you.

Understand How to Choose a Pocket Knife Before Shopping for One

Now that you’ve read through our pocket knife buying guide, start shopping around for the perfect pocket knife. Look through the large selection that Palmetto Wood Shop has to offer. Add one to your cart and contact us if you have any questions about creating a customized pocket knife.

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Palmetto Wood Shop

Palmetto Wood Shop is a thriving family-owned business rooted in a love for woodworking. Founded in the picturesque Palmetto State of South Carolina, Palmetto Wood Shop began as a hobby driven by an unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and personalized service. As demand for their meticulously crafted products surged, Palmetto Wood Shop quickly outgrew its initial location and relocated to Pleasant Plains, Illinois, in 2017, marking a significant milestone in its journey. Despite the growth and expansion, the ethos of the business remains steadfast – to supply premium quality, personalized gifts that leave a lasting impression on customers across the United States and beyond. With a dedication to excellence, Palmetto Wood Shop ensures that each piece is produced with meticulous attention to detail and quality craftsmanship. From personalized baby blocks to engraved pocket knives, every item undergoes careful individual finishing and inspection, guaranteeing its perfection before it reaches the customer's hands.

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